Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Ok so this is my third day operating without socializing on the internet, without texting and only using the phone work realted to group projects, no televison...Ok so the first day I wasnt using my phone by 12am my mother had called my godmom my sunt and my boss! i had to call them and let them know about my class project that i was doing..my friend was very upset he thought something had happend to me and he was mad that I didnt call, my godmom has yet to get a repsonse from me...lol..the people around me were more disappointed than me!..cause they werent able to reach me..no by tuesday i was getting frustrated cause I couldnt call my friend just to have a general conversation and to text my sister so it has been a bit challenging but i will let you know how the rest of this day goes......

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