Thursday, April 29, 2010


I really enjoyed reading the books this semester I have learned about myself and more about the society that I live in. I know that the information that I have learned in this class will take me far. Fahrenheit 451 really opened my eyes just as the other books did. It let us know that through research and also in class that burning books is not foreign to the U.S. and it has been done for centuries and not to mention that it is still going on today! What can we do? Is there a way to stop this unlawful act (as I see it) Does the constitution that we live by allow these things to be ok. Freedom of speech and expression? What are we telling the generations that are coming up after us. That it is OK to burn books or to ban things that you don't agree with. I see it as if you don't agree with it fine, that is OK but as far as going and burning someones books that they worked hard on to create is disrespectful. Now I am sure those same "Christians" would be upset if the writers or those that enjoy these books would burn the bible. Now I am a christian and I am sure that God is not pleased by their acts of burning books. As a christian you are suppose to do unto others as you want done to you. I really feel that religious people flip the bible and make it applicable to them and not knowing that they are going to have to answer that in Heaven!! That is how I feel.

Burning the books..

In my group we discussed a variety a different themes in the book, one group member compared the book to hitler, another member talked about how we as a society don't read the books and when poeple begin to burn them thats when we will want to read, and we become more curious about what is in them, we also talked about Montag and how he has really made a "180" and he is all about retaining the knowledge of these books and he wants to know more about them. And in my connection making I really love how feed is similiar to this book. Though they arent burning books in feed no one was reading them because they can get everything that they want is pratically on the Feed! And Violet is the only one who has read a book and her father home schools her. And she knows about the natural world and how so many things are goin wrong with it. But in everyone elses mind everything is great and peachy because the feeds give you eveything. And I believe that as the feed was for Titus that what the family is for Mildred. And the connection to the two are not that different jus like mildred and her seashell at night whispering in her ears, and the murmuring of titus and his feed talking to him as he fell asleep

Now the Burning Books its obvious that society does not want the poeple to get all caught up in books because then books would cause them to go into another world and then question what is going on in their own world! I thought it to be very intersting that Beatey was an English Teacher so he knew first hand all about literature and it is very intersting how he uses his book knowledge on Montag when he talks beacuse Beatey was very intelligent, and he knew how to use his intellect and power to manupulate what he believed to be true. I wonder if Beatey wasnt a fire fighter would he had died with his books too???


Ok I this book is something else..I love how it reminds me so much of FEED..(I LOVED THIS BOOK) When Montag meets Clarisse and she is so much like Violet in Feed. She questions what she doesn't understand and explores what is unknown and uncovers what poeple and society are trying to hide. It was so unfortunate that she did not live long but then when I thought about it. It was hurting her more to live there and her leaving that place was what her spirit needed, she finally was able to be free and I think that it was good that Clarisse left cause if not I think the fire fighters would have burned her hosue and I know for sure that she would have been like that old lady and die there with her house. She really had left a huge impression on Montag and it really changed his life and through out the book he thought about her even after she was gone. I wish that he would have known that she had died (thanks to Mildred and her family she completely forgot. At first I was very confused about the whole family thing but it didn't surprise me because now days we are apart of all the reality tv shows that we watch not as extreme as Mildred but think we would say that we know Brooke Hogan is such and such age she lives with her two friends..she likes this and that and she is a daddy's girl..and I know all this from watching the show and I am sure many other poeple can agree and probably fill in the blanks that I left


So I guess the book did get a lot better..I mean it did end a lot better than it started. I did like the fact that Alex did agree to treatment but the people really took advantage of him. I mean yes he did a whole lot of terrible things but he is a human and I feel like two wrongs will never make a right. I think that jailing someone to confinement makes them think about the wrong that they did do but torturing them in the process is wrong. The thing that was very unfortunate in the book is how his two friends beat him really bad when he came home :( and you could tell that he did want to change things an start a better life with his family but they already moved Joe in and replaced Alex (so to speak) and Alex just went back to the same things that he was doing before, and this did not change a thing. And the question that I pose is that do we has a society force criminals back into their wicked ways because we don't give them a second chance to become a "law abiding citizens.?" The thing is when will the cycle change, don't get me wrong I am sure that there are criminals that have made it after being in jail but what about the percentage that doesn't what happens to them..???

What's Going On?

Ok I don't know about anyone else but this book is "off the wall" I am not sure I know what is left from right. Ok So I understand the Alex is the main character in the book and he is definitley in a "gang" and there are very rude! well maybe saying they are rude would be saying that they are polite because they are the most violent and disrespectful people that I have ever read about or even watched on a movie! I hope that this book ends a whole lot better than it has started.